


菱电电梯通过行业最高能效等级认证:vdi 4707标准a级-b体育官网


2022-08-29 13:47

  近日,tuv南德意志大中华集团为公司生产的lk-111载客电梯颁发了电梯能效a级认证证书。收获该证书标志着菱电的电梯产品达到了能效标准vdi 4707认可的a级绿色等级,相当于国内的1 级,是国际上通行的能效最高等级。

  vdi 4707是一项专门针对电梯能效的标准,依据电梯运行和待机时耗能的不同将电梯产品的能耗水平分为a-g七个等级,a为最高水平。公司受检产品节能效果明显,降噪技术先进,已完全符合电梯能效a级认证的各项要求。此项认证是对菱电电梯长期致力于绿色环保节能研发的肯定,也标志着菱电电梯的能效达到了国内领先水平。

we are an in­de­pen­dent brand­ing stu­dio and cre­ative busi­ness part­ner for clients who are ready for ex­tra­or­di­nary so­lu­tions. to de­liver such so­lu­tions we dig deep into a brand’s essence and val­ues, clearly un­der­stand them, and then in­ject them into the de­sign. 

this is the surest way to move be­yond de­sign for de­sign’s sake and give con­sumers a brand that is both un­de­ni­ably rel­e­vant and in­cred­i­bly en­gag­ing. sure, it’s also a process by which we’ve been com­pet­ing with world’s lead­ing brands and won many re­spectable awards. but awards aren’t our goal. while they pro­vide proof of our cre­ativ­ity, the ap­pre­ci­a­tion of our works and of­fer cred­i­bil­ity that comes from peer recog­ni­tion, they are ul­ti­mately a means to ac­quir­ing ever more dif­fi­cult chal­lenges. and that is ul­ti­mately what get’s us up in the morn­ing:the thrill of work­ing with clients to try and tackle in­creas­ingly chal­leng­ing brand­ing prob­lems that then lead to suc­cess­ful busi­nesses for clients. in­trigued? why not give us a shout to­day and see how we can trans­form your brand and your busi­ness.
