菱电电梯通过行业最高能效等级认证:vdi 4707标准a级-b体育官网
2022-08-29 13:47
近日,tuv南德意志大中华集团为公司生产的lk-111载客电梯颁发了电梯能效a级认证证书。收获该证书标志着菱电的电梯产品达到了能效标准vdi 4707认可的a级绿色等级,相当于国内的1 级,是国际上通行的能效最高等级。
vdi 4707是一项专门针对电梯能效的标准,依据电梯运行和待机时耗能的不同将电梯产品的能耗水平分为a-g七个等级,a为最高水平。公司受检产品节能效果明显,降噪技术先进,已完全符合电梯能效a级认证的各项要求。此项认证是对菱电电梯长期致力于绿色环保节能研发的肯定,也标志着菱电电梯的能效达到了国内领先水平。
this is the surest way to move beyond design for design’s sake and give consumers a brand that is both undeniably relevant and incredibly engaging. sure, it’s also a process by which we’ve been competing with world’s leading brands and won many respectable awards. but awards aren’t our goal. while they provide proof of our creativity, the appreciation of our works and offer credibility that comes from peer recognition, they are ultimately a means to acquiring ever more difficult challenges. and that is ultimately what get’s us up in the morning:the thrill of working with clients to try and tackle increasingly challenging branding problems that then lead to successful businesses for clients. intrigued? why not give us a shout today and see how we can transform your brand and your business.